GenderTalk: Gender and Land Rights

GenderTalk: Gender and Land Rights

NCAER National Data Innovation Centre
Measurement Brief | 2023-02

Welcome to the second issue of Gender Talk from the NCAER-National Data Innovation Centre’s Gender Hub. In this issue of GenderTalk, we discuss about gender inequality in land rights. We bring you articles by researchers that highlight some of the challenges, followed by conversation with an ex-policymaker.

GenderTalk is a space where scholars, policymakers, and civil society members can engage with each other on a theme vital to women’s well-being in India.

In particular, this brief discusses the following:

Gender Gap in Land Rights – In this introductory article Dr Pallavi Choudhuri (NCAER) discusses about the current status of land ownership in India from household surveys…more


Gender imbalance in land ownership and the need for digitising land records – Here Dr Charu Jain (NCAER) and Mr Deepak Sanan (Ex-Additional Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh) share insights from data from land titling records…more


Women’s access to parental agricultural land: the gap between law and practiceDr Manjistha Banerji (NCAER) shares qualitative information on why women do not claim their share in parental property…more


Gender and Generation: Land Ownership and Older Indians’ Autonomy – This article by – Hope Xu Yan (University of Maryland), Dr Sonalde Desai (University of Maryland and NCAER) and Dr Debasis Barik (NCAER) examines the consequences of omission from land ownership and clear titles on women’s well-being…more


Conversation with Mr Deepak Sanan (Ex-Additional Chief Secretary (IAS) of Himachal Pradesh) on policy-related challenges in strengthening women’s access to land rights…more



READS…from around the web

Agarwal, B. (1998). “Widows versus Daughters or Widows as Daughters? Property, Land, and Economic Security in Rural India”, Modern Asian Studies, 32 (1), 1- 48.

Agarwal, B., Anthwal, P., & Mahesh, M. (2021). How many and which women own land in India? Inter-gender and intra-gender gaps. The Journal of Development Studies57(11), 1807-1829.

Meinzen-Dick, R., Quisumbing, A., Doss, C., & Theis, S. (2019). Women’s land rights as a pathway to poverty reduction: Framework and review of available evidence. Agricultural systems172, 72-82.

UN Women and Rural Development Institute (2013). Gender and Land Tenure Security. Retrieved from

NCAER Land Records and Services Index (N-LRSI) (2020).

This measurement brief is part of the Gender Hub led by Dr Pallavi Choudhuri and Dr Sonalde Desai.

Previous Issue of GenderTalk: Gender and Public Safety