This is part of a series of Measurement Briefs from the NCAER National Data Innovation Centre based on the findings from the Delhi Metropolitan Area Study. This particular Brief on health insurance suggests that despite rising insurance coverage in recent years, individuals are not often... Read More
This is the first of a series of Measurement Briefs from the NCAER National Data Innovation Centre based on the findings from the Delhi Metropolitan Area Study. This particular Brief on employment outlines the challenges in measuring women’s work and demonstrates how different approaches of...
The National Sample Survey (NSS), the flagship survey providing information on standards of living in India, has recently come under criticism as the Government chose not to release the results of the NSS Consumption Expenditure data from 2017-18 (Jha 2019). Critics argue that this is... Read More
The past three decades have seen the advent of major transformations in the Indian economy. While the economy has achieved average growth rates of 5–9 per cent, education has risen sharply for both men and women, fertility rates have declined, and infrastructure facilities, particularly access... Read More