Research Partners

Since its inception in December 2017, the NCAER National Data Innovation Centre has been promoting methodological research in methods of data collection to capture better quality data and strengthen the data ecosystem in India.

  • Early Career Fellows
    Early Career Fellows

    NDIC Early Career Fellowship, a flagship initiative of the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) – National Data Innovation Centre, fosters excellence in survey methodology, data collection, and analytics. The program empowers young researchers to develop robust, policy-oriented data frameworks that inform India’s developmental agenda. National Data Innovation Centre (NDIC), a part of the...   Read More ...   Read More

  • Student-Faculty

    As part of NDIC’s mandate to build a community of innovators in the data sphere, student-faculty paired teams are awarded small grants every year to develop and test innovative data collection strategies and alternative measurement approaches on topics relevant to NDIC’s research goals. Students pursuing their PhD degree or equivalent in any Indian academic or...   Read More ...   Read More

  • Institutions

    As part of NDIC’s mandate to build a community of innovators in the data sphere, one of its activities was to seek research proposals on data collection methods. In 2018-19, the theme of the research grant was Methodological Experiments with Telephone Surveys in India. The 2019-2021 proposal was based on methods to improve data quality....   Read More ...   Read More