First, unlike Americans, opting out of the workforce is not an option for most Indians. The existence of the vast informal sector offers refuge to employees pushed out of wage employment. Second, this employment of last resort should not be taken to imply a robust recovery.
Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, women have exhibited higher levels of depression and anxiety than men across nations and social classes
Investments in clean fuel and piped water are often recommended in developing countries on health grounds. This paper examines an alternative channel, the relationship between piped water and access to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and children’s educational outcomes. Results based on the second round of the India Human Development Survey (2011–12) for rural India show... Read More
Social Science & Medicine, Volume 280, July 2021 In developing countries, labor out-migration has led to millions of married couples living apart from each other. Male out-migration brings economic benefits to the families in places of origin, but also leads to profound changes in the lives of the left-behind wives. It is unclear how the... Read More
Can the Generation Equality Forum ensure two basic rights for women: The right to safety and peace at home, and to decent work outside of it?