Devneel Basudev Goswami

Devneel Basudev Goswami

Partnership Associate

Devneel Goswami is a dedicated Public Policy Professional who has closely worked at the intersection of Policy, Partnerships, Project Management and Communication in the Public sector. He is a firm believer in the ability of Public Policy to bring about positive change in society and generate mass impact. He is also a strong advocate of an interactive relationship between policymakers and the media in order to close the gap of understanding between the creation of Public Policy and the aspirations of the masses. To this end, he boasts a perfect record of taking down minutes in 100% of meetings he has ever attended. If not found attempting to repair his reading habits, Devneel can be found vehemently analysing the real politik or vociferously advocating why Captain America will always be a more ideal superhero than Iron Man.