Anjana Dube

Anjana Dube

Senior Adviser

Anjana Dube has joined NCAER – NDIC as a Senior Advisor. She is a professional statistician with experience in the international and national statistical system at senior leadership levels including transformation and modernization of statistical systems, various domains in economic statistics, data management, management of statistical training and systems. She has served various Economic Ministries and Departments in Government of India including Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation, as Indian Statistical Service Officer for 30+ years. Subsequently she joined UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) as Senior Regional Advisor at the Africa Centre of Statistics (ACS), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for 2 years.

She has Master’s degree in Statistics from University of Lucknow, Master’s in Public Management from NUS Singapore and Doctorate in Public Policy from Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. Apart from official statistics systems’ development, her research and other interests include micro-finance, financial inclusion, social psychology, evidence-based policy perspective, mentoring and capacity building.

At ACS UNECA her role as Senior regional advisor included supporting the development of statistical systems in Africa, road map for transformation and modernization of official statistics in Africa, capacity building for statistical leadership and training for National Statistical Offices in Africa, data integration, data innovation and data stewardship, now-casting tools, UN Big data regional data hub for Africa. In her civil service career, she had worked on development of new indices and release of index, supervision of collection, compilation and release of data, conduct of survey on Non-Profit Institutions, financial inclusion, large-scale data processing of NSSO, data management, integration and innovation besides capacity building. She has served in various committees in Government, undertook delegations, workshops and seminars. Her overall experience includes senior statistical leadership, administration, public management, quasi-judicial authority and sexual harassment committee, appellate authority and director in public sector bank board.