Blaise Training at NCAER, New Delhi 01 October 2018

Blaise Training at NCAER, New Delhi

NDIC has organised Blaise 5 Training held at NCAER during October 29, 2018 – November 2, 2018. This five days training was conducted by Mr R.J.M. (Ralph) Dolmans Statistics Netherlands (CBS) along with supply of Blaise 5 software and course materials. The purpose to make participant learn the language and have a basic knowledge of how the layout part of the system works. The training outline is mentioned below.

• Blaise Basics – contains the language and a few extra things, e.g. how to apply layout to a questionnaire
• Blaise 5 for Blaise 4 developers – presents few topics those are not handled in the Blaise Basic course
• Manipula – this is the system where you can do things with the collected data – for instance convert it to text/xml/SAS/SPSS/Stata, or create subsets with part of the data (e.g. only the males, or the data from a specific province or city) etc.

In our CAPI based experiments of NDIC, Blaise 5 software is being used. So, it is considered to be a valuable learning. There is perceptible transition towards Blaise platform in near future and NCAER-NDIC may be the nodal point for pan India expansion.
